Christy Crary's Math Tutoring

Christy Crary's Math Tutoring

Regular price $60.00
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Christy Crary- Founder of MyMathRescue


Math was always my favorite subject in school, BUT I struggled with word problems. It wasn’t until I started teaching in 2001 that I found out how to conquer them. Now, I love sharing my tips with students who are in the same situation.

I have my undergraduate degree in Business Management and my Masters degree Education with a certification in Mathematics. I have taught math & science since 2001 and worked with kids since 1994. My primary focus has been on Middle and High Schoolers. Over the years, I have found a love and gifting for working with teens. I value the struggles they are experiencing and find ways to relate to each individual, thus building a connection that lasts decades.

I look forward to meeting your student and finding out how to meet his/her needs as they navigate homework, school, social situations and important choices. Thank you for entrusting your precious child to me.